Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Barbie Catalog Collection 115-118 Let's Hear it For More Boys

 I am always on the look out for appropriate escorts for the Ladies.  These boys are quite cute and go well with the Model Muse dolls and the MTM girls.

2012  Texas A & M University Ken #X9207

2012  Texas A & M University Ken AA  #X9208

2013  Divergent Four Tobias Eaton  #BCP70

2013  Hunger Games Catching Fire Finnick  #X8273


  1. My goodness fashion dolls have really come so far since I was a girl and had a Barbie....I wanted a boyfriend for her and had to steal my brothers Action Man (GI Joe in the US) much to my brothers disgust!
    I like the third guy down in the black top, he looks quite handsome!

  2. Yes, the Ladies are very happy with these boys.......
