Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Outfits Part 2

As promised, here are 2 more Christmas dresses.
These are made from the book 'Vintage Clothing
for the Fashion Doll' 

This pattern is based on the original
Barbie dress from 1967 'Best Bow'.  It
has a definite MOD vibe to the styling
so two of my Standard Barbies are
modeling them.  As you can see, mine
are not sporting any bows.....I seem to
be bow-challenged and every attempt
I made looked well, amateurish, so they
are sans bows for now.

They actually look better than this
picture shows.  I can see making quite
a few more of these.

Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Thanks, I will try again the make the bows after Christmas.

  2. Those dresses are super cute!!!! You might also consider making this dress floor length (either in satin or velvet)! I think it would be lovely as formal wear as well!!!

    1. Thanks, that would be a great idea to turn it into a formal!
